Thursday, February 23, 2006


I thought you might all like to have a look at the first pictures of our little one - 19 weeks young and doing well.

Dr says it has all the right bits in all the right places, so I look forward to getting to know them better when they get out here!
Am starting to look properly pregnant now (at least in tight clothes), but have taken to wearing baggy clothes, so no one has really noticed. I am almost half way there, so its hard to believe that in around 4 or 5 months I will have myself a baby. Very excited.

In other news, all the changes have now been announced at work and I was deemed not ready to be put into a managers role, so will stay in my current position with a different boss. I was extremely dissapointed as you can imagine, and have said barely 2 words to my current boss. I really have lost all respect for him and have complained to HR about the way he dealt with everything. I mentioned that I had told him that I was expecting, and she knew nothing of it and was involved in the decison making. Instead of being bitter and sulky, I have spoken to HR at length and we are developing a plan to have me move into the role that I want before I go on maternity leave. I am determined to show them that I can do it!

Going to try to have a fairly healthy and productive weekend. On Saturday I am going to a prenatal yoga class with my pregnant buddy, and then possibly going to the gym. Sunday, the hubby is in the final of the bowls pairs (he plays comp lawn bowls - he is too funny), so I will be up early to cheer him on and in the evening we are heading down to the domain for Tropfest. Its tricky doing the picnic thing when you have to be careful about what you can and cant eat, but I am sure we will manage. I also am really missing my glass of wine at social events, but its a small price to pay!

We need to start sorting out what we need for the baby, and although we really dont want to go overboard, we want to be prepared, so any suggestions on MUST HAVES will be very much appreciated!

Oh, and I am LOVING The Biggest Loser. Even the hubby is addicted. Am finding it really inspirational, my main problem is that its on at precicely the time that I would normally go out and exercise. Last night I had to bite the bullet and went for a lap around centenial park while the hubby was at football training!

Thats all from me - hope you all have a great week!



Cinders said...

Funny things happen at work when pregnancies are mentioned. 'They' say nothing will change but it always does. I'm sure you'll work yourself out and thanks for sharing your picture with us.
As far as baby must haves go.... there are so many. I stocked up on essentials like baby shampoo, baby wipes, mainly bathroom stuff that put a dent in the shopping bill when you are all of a sudden on 1 wage. look forward to your updates.

Kate said...

Hi- what a beautiful little bubba! It's so exciting to see them on the screen and realise it's SO real!

Re: must haves for baby. Mine were different to other people's. We didn't find baby wipes essential in the beginning - just used soft face cloths (no chemicals!), but did have some baby wipes for going out. Nappies, nappies, nappies. Can never have too many!
A change table - I found this invaluable - my daughter is 19 months and we still use it every time we change her (so many people told us not to bother getting one).
Cloth nappies - for spits, spills, I always had a few in my bag when I went out - then could lay her on most surfaces without worrying about germs etc.
Lots of romper suits (kinda like singlets but with sleeves, and do up under the bum) - this was the most frequently changed item of clothing! And most sizes fitted her for months and months.

Hmm, hope that helps!

Mary said...

Aww, gorgeous.

So sorry to hear about your job but I hope it all works out for you! Keep up the great work and attitude, this will get you through any obstacles. You've got too many good things going on anyway :-)

TBL is on at an inconvenient time for sure. I usually like walking at that time myself but have managed to cycle instead. I prefer exercising outside.

I hope you enjoy your weekend babe!

Margaret said...

Hello little wee baby. Enjoy the ride for then next 5 months then out you come!!

The baby is beautiful. I love all these ultrasounds. Just beautiful.

Needs for the baby:
Change table. I agree with Kate. I have used mine for 4 years now. DS1 & DS2 and it has saved me so much pressure on my back. And the shelf underneath is perfect for storing nappies, wipes, creams etc.

Cloth nappies for spit ups, shoulder protectors, makeshift change table when you are out. I bought a bunch of baby-bots colourful ones and now I don't need them the boys use them as capes etc.

Bonds all in ones as pj's and day wear. In the beginning these are invaluable and as the baby will be born in the cooler months it is great for keeping the feet warm.

Flannel wraps. Wrapping worked well for DS1 but I have reused the wraps as linings for the pram, stroller, rocker, high chair - heaps of places. It is easy to throw a wrap in the wash.

A rocker. One of those ones that can rock or stay still and have handles you can move them with. When DS1 was little we put him in this a lot when we went visiting. He would play with the toys hanging from the bar and when he had a cold it was good for him to sleep in this at night next to our bed as his head was raised.

I am sure you will get advised of loads of things you need to have at your antenatel class. Have fun :D

philippa_moore said...

Oooh, so cute!

Sorry to hear about the job but good on you for sticking up for yourself and not taking it lying down. Being pregnant shouldn't make a difference to anything!!

Hope you're well xoxo

Suzy said...

Oh, how lovely! Thankyou for sharing your beautiful photo with us!
Sorry about your disappointment with your job. Something better will happen in the future, so don't worry.

Kellee said...

Great pics! You must be getting really excited now. Do you know the sex or are you going to leave it as a surprise?

Everyone has listed all the essentials, but one thing I will add is a sling/carrier/Baby Bjorn. Depends on what kind of approach you take to parenting, but it's nice to carry the baby around a bit when they're very little, as being close to Mum makes them feel very safe. They can be a bit on the expensive side, but I will certainly be using mine again this time! Invaluable.

Sounds like things are going well. Sorry to hear about your employment situation. I hope that you're able to sort it all out.

IKWYM about wearing baggy clothes. Don't worry, you'll have a big beautiful belly in no time and everyone will know - then you'll feel great. Good on you.

Margaret said...

Just popping in to say hello. It's eviction time on TBL tonight and I am so hoping that Harry doesn't go, but if he does I think he will stick at this and kick some major weight loss butt.

Hope things in your lovely world are going well and baby is growing happily. Have a great day :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I am loving TBL at the moment and I really think that the teams chosen were really good choices. I'm absolutely positive that Artie and Tracy won't make is through to another week. They pretty much don't deserve to!! I'm glad everything is progressing nicely with the pregnancy. I'm just over 16 weeks and felt the first movements on the weekend. Amazing!! Just starting to pop out also. Tried to wear a pair of jeans to a birthday party a week ago and the button popped!! Time to go out and invest in some maternity pants I think!! XX

Margaret said...

Hey there. How are things going in baby world? It is so great that so many of you are close to the half way mark and really starting to grow and feel the baby. Almost time for another photo update ;D

Hope you have a great week :D