Thursday, January 05, 2006

and another thing

I just wanted to let you know that I went to visit my obstetrician yesterday. We get weighed every visit as a matter of course, which I would think was fairly normal. The strange thing is that I have lost 3kg since my last visit a month ago, and am now sitting at 76kg!
I have gone from weighing 90kg (almost 20kg overweight - infact being obese) , when I started WW about 5 months ago to now only being 5kg overweight, which is such a blessing going into this pregnancy!
My body will truly thank me for this is a couple of months time! Gotta love a bit of forward thinking!
Happy days vxx


Kathryn said...

Congratulations - on both the weight loss and the pregnancy.

Mary said...

Well done babe! Healthy mummy = healthy bub :-)

Sue said...

Congratulations on your baby news, that's just fantastic. Great to hear where your weight is sitting, but you're right that being healthy is the most important thing at the moment. Enjoy your pregnancy!

Suzy said...

Well done! It is great to start your pregnancy being a healthy weight.

Cinders said...

Hi there, I've just discovered your blog. Congrats on your pregnancy. 2006 will be a very special year for you.

Margaret said...

Whoooo Hooooo. I had to read your blog quite a way back to see if I missed the baby news. How exciting. And yes, well done for the weight coming off at this time. It does make it easier at the other end. If you are healthy, and happy, then that message goes to the baby too.

Well done Missy Vas. Wow there are a lot of pregnant bloggers at the moment. You, Jodie, Kate - anyone else??

Hope you have a wonderful day :D

philippa_moore said...

So, the secret's out now!! I can stop holding my tongue now. I hope you're feeling happy and healthy, it sure sounds like it.

I hope to be the same when David and I start a family - be at a healthy weight so I won't be one of those women who still looks pregnant a few years after she's had the baby!

Take care, stay well xx

Margaret said...

Hope you had a great weekend and that you are feeling fit and funky :D

Mary said...

Thanks for your super kind words Missy Vas. I hope you've been having a good week too :-)