Friday, July 13, 2007

back to the drawing board

I got fired this week. They didnt say fired, they said 'let go'. I have never been 'let go' so quickly in my life. I am not really sure what happened, suffice to say, the big mean man boss who I had spoken to twice didnt like me and didnt want to work with me.
I had been there 4 weeks and was getting on with it. My (lady) boss seemed to like what I had been doing and we had one little issue, but had moved on from it. I had a few days off in my 3rd week because Lila was sick with a really bad cold, and I wasnt going to leave her at day care. But I offered to do work from home and did that both days.
So either, he just didnt like me, or he didnt like the fact that I would put my family before work. Now, I havent been employed since I have been a mother, but I am thinking that is a little bit unreasonable...
Its fine though. If they want to be like that, I dont want to work there. Its their loss. I got 2 extra weeks pay, and am looking for another job, but in my heart of hearts, I just want something part time for now. I am going to keep Lila at day care 2 days a week because I think its good for her to be social and spend time with other kids, and its also a good chance for me to get some things done.
And in the week that I get 'let go', my husband gets offered a better job with a better company and better money, so I think its some kind of sign...
I think I will work 2-3 days a week with a friend of mine who has a merchandising company. We are going to have a chat on Monday. That would suit me for the moment. Its close to home and I think it will be fairly easy and only 5 hours a day, so it wont be such an early start.
Our house will go on the market next week. I hope we get what we want for it. I am sure it will come close. I think its a nice house and am posititve that others will think that too. We move at the beginning of September.

My beautiful Lila turns 1 next week. Where did the year go? This is the invite that I made for her birthday party. Well its not really a party... We are going to the pub! Well, we cant have it here and I dont feel like organising a picnic or anything when we will be having an open house that day, so the pub it is!!
Hope everything is good out there. Looks like we will have a lovely weekend.
take care


Christy_Ann said...

Sheesh... I can't believe they "let you go" for no reason at all. Of course your daughter comes before anything! I'm sure it was fate... I believe thing happen for a reason. Good luck with the job-hunt!

PS: the invitation is fantastic! I might do a collage of Guy as well, just to remember all the different stages he went through...

cranky said...

Your invite is just beautiful, and I hope you get a copy framed!

As for the 'let gooooo' it was for a reason! (proved by the other half's job offer at same time) Those tools didn't know what a top chick they had! Onwards and upwards!

Kate said...

Love the photo collage.. and again, good luck for getting a new job :-)

Happy Birthday Lila!!

Suzy said...

I am sure you will find another job. They sound horrible.
The invitation is gorgeous! Happy Birthday to Lila. :-)

Linda J said...

Hello neighbour - I just stumbled on your blog and can't believe you're only up the road at Sydnenham!
I've probably asked you to pass the salt at Kelby's or Postcafe :-) Having just skimmed the entries since your baby was born, I feel like I can check all the same boxes (motherless mother, tough time breastfeeding, testing relationship...)
I haven't yet been 'let go' from work, but who knows?
I know you're moving soon, but howdy neighbour!

Madelyne said...

Don't worry a better job will come along, everything happens for a reason. Always put your family first, they should always be the most important thing.

Party sounds like fun......her first pub party, Lila is ahead of her peers... another 17 year for them :)

Madelyne said...

Oh....Happy Birthday Lila

The Candid Bandit said...

That is a gorgeous invitiation! Clever girl!

I cannot believe she is one already!!!! Jeez that time flew (for me. I'm guessing it didnt for you.)

That job just wasn't meant to be. I think something that will work around you and Lila would be perfect!

Suzy said...

Just checking in. Hope all is OK with you ...

Suzy said...

Glad all is well. Have fun with Facebook. Hope you are finding lots of long lost school friends like my DD is. ;-)

Running with Scissors said...

Thanks for the recent comments on my blog! I'm not a Facebooker, so I haven't seen you on there.

I'll have to check it out though...

Hope all is well with you!