Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Oh My God...

I just wanted to share something with you all. You may have read that I have been complaining a little about a bit of pelvic pain that I have suffering with during this pregnancy. It has been quite horrible at times, affecting my sleep and definitely my moods. I spoke to my Obstetrician about it and he said it was just normal 'wear and tear' and I had to live with it. Finally yesterday, I thought enough is enough and went to see a chiropractor. In 15 minutes, she fixed 3 months of agony. I cant believe how much better I feel and how this has been affecting my mood. Its like someone turned on the light today. I am going to see her again tonight, and hopefully I wont have to suffer with much more pain for the next 6 weeks (yep, thats all I have left...)
Just wanted to share
hope you are all having a good day


Kate said...

Wow that is fantastic news re the pelvic pain - hope it stays away!

I love the belly shots by the way - just beautiful :-)

philippa_moore said...

You are looking wonderful and I'm glad to hear that the pelvic pain has been alleviated! Hope you are resting and relaxing in the next few weeks in the lead up to the big event. Can't believe it's only six weeks to go. How scary is that!! Take care darl x x

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news about the chiro. Amazing how much it pays off to shop around. XX

shellity said...

Brilliant! Instead of lunch next week, let's do jubilant cartwheels in Hyde Park.

Kellee said...

Ooh, that's great about getting rid of your pain! That's a big plus. Just take it easy or it might come back! Also, your belly shots are lovely. I wish I had some like that!

Glad to see that the pg is progressing well. Not long now!

Margaret said...

That is so fantastic. Mine took my pain away too and I think she is wonderful.

The photo's of you are gorgeous. You are looking so healthy and definitely not a frumpy mummy at all :)

Hope you meet up one day. Might have to have a blogger babies meet up LOL

Mary said...

That is awesome! I hope the pains stay away too now and if it doesn't, you know where to go :-) I hope you enjoy the long weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are OK. Haven't heard from you in a while. Can't quite remember your due date - please refresh my memory.

Just got the call from the doc's to say the short sugar test I had done for the GD is slightly abnormal so off for the long version next week. Here's hoping this one comes back normal. Take care. XX

The Candid Bandit said...

Thank you for coming to visit my blog and leaving a comment!

I loved looking back over your last few entries. It brought back the magic of pregnancy. Your photos are incredible. Beautiful quality and you look gorgeous.

I never ever thought of going to the chiro in pregnancy. Must keep that in mind!