Monday, May 15, 2006

what's with bananas?

Just a little whinge...
I just went to my local IGA supermarket and they were selling banana's for $13.99/ kg!! I know there was a horrible hurricane in FNQ and there is a terrible shortage, but what am I supposed to do about my banana cravings - I am pregnant after all.
I dont mean to sound self centred and I do feel bad about all of those farmers and residents who have lost their homes and livelyhood, but I am really missing my banana fix!
Thats all - I just had to vent...


Margaret said...

Not quite as healty but banana custard is delicious!! and a lot cheaper at the moment.

I bought some tonight at Coles for $8.99 which is the cheapest I have seen for a while. Granted they did not look flash but I am sure as soon as they turn yellow they will be delicious. :D

shellity said...

I think us pregnant chicks should have a special concession card for supermarkets, bakeries and sandwich shops. Based on my cravings, I think I'm keeping the Australian orange juice industry alive. But at least the orange orchards weren't destroyed by a cyclone. Why couldn't Larry have destroyed a bunch of brussels sprouts plantations instead?

Incidentally, I need to have a word to you about the apostrophe in your post title... ;)

Mary said...

Pregnant or not, I miss my bananas too! It won't be long for it to be back to normal, 6 months or so. Fingers crossed. I hope you have been weel and have a great week!