Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thanks so much to everyone for your lovely comments and support from my last couple of posts. I am so impressed by how lovely everyone in blogland is and its a great place to be at the moment! The overwhelming consensus is that you are still interested in my baby bump stories, so I will continue to share them with you!

So, I still havent heard from the specialist, and since its been 10 days since I saw him, and he told me that he would have the results in 3 days and call me if there was anything to be concerned about, I have decided that everything is OK and I can relax. I have to go and see my Dr next week and I guess I will get the full update then, but I think all is OK. I am feeling so much better, less tired and more normal. I am starting to show, which is part fun and part distressing, but mostly fun!

Now I have a little dilema that I need to share with you all. Any feedback or suggestions are very welcome. Anyone in HR, may know the answer, but I am really stumped! I have been talking to my boss over the past few months about making my job a managers position, which will in turn mean more money, more responsibilty and a bit more say in what happens in this place. I am not so concerned about the $$, but everything will help at the moment as we need to save for when I am on maternity leave. Yesterday, I spoke to my boss again (for the 2nd time this year) about this, and it was confirmed that my role will definitely change and decisions will be made in the next 4 weeks - the whole department is being re-thunk, and there will be a lot of changes over the that time. I am now 15 weeks pregnant and starting to show. Do I wait until after the decisions have been announced before telling him or tell him now and hope for the best? I have been here for 8 years, and this is the closest I have come to negotiating a job that I REALLY want, and I am scared that I will blow it! Its very confusing - I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I dont!

I get the feeling that if I do the right thing by them, they wont do the right thing by me. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice for me? I feel like I am screwed!

Apart from that I am really happy and well - eating properly and feeling good!

Hope everyone is feeling great too!


Kathryn said...

I'd wait until it was all offical - they probably can't legally not give you the promotion because you are pregnant but there are ways around that - saying they run out of funding or whatever.

Kellee said...

Hi there. I found your blog through M's blog and couldn't resist checking out another preggo woman's blog.

I know what you mean about everyone else being focussed on weight loss and feeling out of the loop. I feel a bit the same sometimes too, but I think that it's probably good as it reminds me that I should still be thinking about not putting on more than "baby weight". When I've got a few more minutes to spare I look forward to reading through your previous posts and catching up on your pregnancy journey. Try not to stress if you can (kee those relaxing boots firmly attached to your feet!) and trust your body. I'm sure everything is going really well.

Nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Hey there :o)

I found you through your comment on M's blog.

I would wait to announce your pregnancy until the promotion is official. Such a tricky situation, but after 8 years you don't want to risk missing out. I am assuming you will return to your job after your maternity leave, so it would be good to return to the management position. They will be a little annoyed you didn't tell them, but if they show it, it's discrimation, so they can't really get cranky at you :o)

Mary said...

I would say hold back on saying anything for the moment and think about whether or not you will want to continue working once you've had the baby and all that stuff. Really weigh things ups before making any decisions and of course, wait until the promotion is official. No harm in looking out for yourself.

Margaret said...

As much as you would like to think that after all that time with them that there would be some loyalty to you from the company I would definitely not tell them until after you had secured the change in position. Once you have the position it is yours. However, as Kathryn said, it is possible for them to change their plans based on your information without actually coming right out and saying it is because you are pregnant.

If you are good at your job and your bosses like you, then you stand a better than even chance of coming back into the same job after maternity leave but unfortunately the corporate / business world still leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to the treatment of pregnant women (and to the next generation of their shareholders!!)

Sorry for the rant LOL. Hope it is all sorted out soon so that you can tell everyone :D

Suzy said...

I am sure that legally they can't not give you the position because of pregnancy, BUT I tend to agree with everyone that it may change things (even though they wouldn't admit it. I would wait until after you are given the promotion too.
Good luck with it all!